About Domestic, family and sexual violence Counselling Service (DFSV Counselling Service)
Supporting women aged 18 years and over who are experiencing or have experienced domestic, family and/or sexual violence
Our specialised Women’s DFSV Counselling Service provides short-term counselling for women who have a lived experience of domestic, family and sexual violence. Our qualified counsellors provide trauma-informed, compassionate and non-judgmental support to help women navigate their experiences whether in crisis or living with the long-term effects of violence. With a safe and understanding space to talk without shame, women are supported to identify their strengths, explore new strategies to cope and develop opportunities to take control of their lives.
How we can help:
We understand that every woman’s experience is unique and reaching out for help can be overwhelming. Our counsellors will work in partnership with you at whatever stage you’re at, to help you;
- express your thoughts and feelings
- address immediate challenges
- build your personal and practical resources to help overcome challenges and enjoy greater confidence and wellbeing.
What you can expect:
5 free counselling sessions
Our counselling service is free and confidential with a limit of five sessions offered face-to-face at a safe location in the Blacktown local area.
- Safe and shame free environment
- Make sense of your experience and the impact of trauma
- Explore ways to support your children
- Develop practical tools to cope with stress and crisis
- Harness inner strengths and resources to help create new choices and regain control
- Nurture confidence and self esteem
- Develop a safety plan of how to respond to future challenges and keep safe
- Connect to other support services and long-term counselling
Referral Forms
- Click here to download and complete a SELF REFERRAL FORM
- Click here if you are a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL OR WELFARE SERVICE to download complete an EXTERNAL REFERRAL FORM.
Upon completing the forms, please email them to [email protected]
DFSV Specialist Counselling Service
Service Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm
[email protected]