DFV and acquired brain Injury project

Context Summary:

In 2017-2018 Domestic Violence Service Management undertook a project focused on the intersection of domestic and family violence and acquired brain injury. In July 2018 the project report was launched to a constellation of  84 attendees from 49 organisations. Subsequently the project report and related materials were hosted here on the DVSM website and remain here to support broader engagement and access for other colleagues, services and systems.

Read the joint letter (Feb 2021) from DVSM's General Manager and the Director of Insight Exchange about the release of 4 new responder resources now hosted below.


Engaging in the Project Report

The full Project Report and related resources are available, below.

Project Resources and Maps

The following resources and maps are an output of the Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) and Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Project. DVSM has shared these resources for the benefit of communities, services and systems. Read more about Using DVSM Resources.

Responder resources

These resources were released after the project report.


To bring sustained focus to this intersection a small number of organisations have supported the release of the Domestic and Family Violence/Acquired Brain Injury Project Report to increase the likelihood of it being distributed and taken up more broadly across contexts, districts and states/territories.

The following organisations have supported the project report launch and progress on the intersection:

Read here about what these seven organisations have been and will be doing to support improved awareness and response to the intersection of Domestic and Family Violence and Acquired Brain Injury.

Note: This group does not reflect every organisation who already does and can play an important role in driving change.