Our history

Domestic Violence NSW Service Management (DVSM) was created as a non-profit company registered under the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission Act 2012.

We recognise the many years of important work already established and achieved through the NSW Women’s Refuge Movement since 1974. We also recognise that there are many organisations working diligently and proactively to prevent, respond to and redress violence in society.



In mid-2021, DVSM were awarded with over $500k funding from the NSW Government – Women NSW, to purchase and begin refurbishment on a much-needed Community Hub in Wilcannia. The Wilcannia Community Hub will offer additional crisis accommodation for clients along with community spaces to promote connection. This important project is in progress and due to open for operations in late 2022.


DVSM contributed to the NSW Parliament Coercive Control Joint Select Committee Inquiry providing a submission and presenting frontline examples.

In June 2021 DVSM was re-contracted to provide the (4) Specialist Homelessness Services ROAR, DVAHS, MOMO and Wilcannia Safe House (WSH) for 3 years. DVSM & Insight Exchange released project findings and fact sheets regarding aquired brain injury and strangulation.


In February 2020, Insight Exchange launched the Workplace Kit for responding to DFV. In March 2020, in alignment with DVSM’s vision, DVSM auspiced the Centre for Women’s Economic Safety. In July 2020, DVSM commenced the next chapter of 12 month Specialist Homelessness Service contracts (MOMO, ROAR, DVAHS and Wilcannia Safe House). A small number of individuals plus a silent donor further invested in Insight Exchange initiative to sustain the work further. In August 2020, DVSM extended its work by establishing two Executive leaders to drive the important work. To lead the extension of the work, a General Manager was appointed to lead DVSM’s service provision, and the CEO of DVSM was appointed as Director of DVSM’s Insight Exchange.


DVSM commenced a new strategic plan 2019 – 2021. Specialist Homelessness Service Contracts moved to mapping under Department of Communities and Justice (formerly FACS). Insight Exchange continued to engage with a diverse range of sectors, services and communities. Key highlights included cross sector masterclasses and Practice Exchange. A small number of individuals plus a silent donor invested in Insight Exchange initiative to sustain the work further.


In March 2018 DVSM launched the release of a cross-organisational Practitioner Toolkit shared internally and externally across sectors. DVSM & Sightlines Professional Services completed and shared projects and initiatives to improve service design and delivery and build broader cross-sector awareness and improved responses to Domestic and Family Violence.


In March 2017 DVSM established Sightlines Associates who lead and/or advise on projects that relate to identified practice priorities and community needs.

In June 2017 DVSM recontracted three Specialist Homelessness Services ROAR, MOMO and Wilcannia Safe House (WSH). The projects undertaken by Sightlines Associates have been designed to inform service improvements over the next contract period to 2020.


In 2016 DVSM was successful in a competitive tender to deliver the Western Sydney Domestic Violence Response Enhancement (After Hours Services) (DVAHS).


In July 2015 DVSM commenced the Children and Schooling Programme funded through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

In September 2015 DVSM established a Professional Services Division – Sightlines.


In November 2014 DVSM started Moving Out Moving On (MOMO) in Sydney’s inner city, and expanded Refuge Outreach Action Response (ROAR) operations in Western Sydney.


Domestic Violence NSW Service Management (DVSM) was established in 2013 as a non-profit company registered under the Australian Charities and Not For Profits Commission Act 2012.